INT: Is it difficult to work out of sequence, to perform out of sequence?
ANTHONY (DIRECTOR): Yes it's more difficult than performing in sequence because if you discover a scene right you discover things in it which then obviously effect what's going to happen later. I mean the, there are several scenes in this which I, I wish we'd shot after scenes that had come before. Strangely enough more actually with Dorothea and Laddislaw than um, with the Lidgates because um, a scene we shot right at the end of filming, they got very friendly and relaxed with each other in a way that's obviously very important to the relationship and other scenes we'd shot earlier didn't have that feeling of relaxation that they discovered, they were much more kind of formal with each other and I mean you know it's always better to shoot in sequence if you can.
Additional notes in pencil:
Annotation 1: There is a pencil line that goes downwards to the end of the page on the left-hand margin of the text, from the line beginning 'Strangely enough...'.