I suppose she was modern in that she felt she had the right to have a voice and to demand what it was that she wanted, or to get what she wanted. I think there was conflict again because - Not conflict, that's a strong word. I was more interested in her not as the villain but as in a flawed character, and also in a character that you think is one thing and then you start to go, wait a minute, actually, argh!
So I think she was brought up to believe that she could have whatever she wanted, and her parents very much fed into that, particularly her mother, and she wholeheartedly believed it and demanded it.
Ref code: 1-04-T-03 Title: Transcript extract from an interview with Trevyn McGowan, where the actress describes the effect of Rosamond's indulgent up-bringing on her portrayal of the character, pp.14-15. Date: 22-06-29 Format: html Source: D/104 Transforming Middlemarch. De Montfort University Special Collections, UK. D/104 https://specialcollections.catalogue.dmu.ac.uk/records/D/104