There's an opening title sequence where the horses are just travelling along the countryside, so we kind of did that between us. Every time we went to a new location, we'd get the carriage back and do a few more shots of it because one day we were shooting it and I was like, 'Gerry, there's something strange about these horses. Are they the same colour?' And we went, 'Oh my God, they're not, they're not. They should be brown,' or something. Two of them were white, you know? So we felt that was quite funny, if anybody had noticed. Of course, we had to take them back and get some more...
...We were kind of splitting the workload. We had an Assistant Floor Manager called Tania, and because we had so many horses -- Steve Dent was in charge of our horses -- we put her in charge of all the horses. We started calling her (shouting) Tania (laughs). Then there'd be somebody looking after the actors and the props.
Ref Code: I-03-T-01. Title: Interview with Julie Edwards, Production Manager for Middlemarch = transcript extract about many horses on set. Date: 2022-04-01. Format: .png. Source: D/104 Papers of Transforming Middlemarch: A Genetic Edition of Andrew Davies' 1994 BBC Adaptation of George Eliot's novel. 2022-2023