Yeah, he [Andrew Davies] had no need to write his own dialogue for his own sake, because he's a writer, but he was very good at knowing what was just too wordy or how you might just take a bit of that long, chewy line and make it just a little more lively... Andrew had a very good instinct, or just always has actually, about making sure something has a dramatic background to it and not overloading it or being so precious about the book that you have something that doesn't come alive.
Ref Code: I-01-T-02 Title: Transcript extract from interview with Susie Conklin, Script Editor for Middlemarch. pp. 5-6. Date: 2022-02-03 Format: .png Source: D/105 Papers of Transforming Middlemarch: A Genetic Edition of Andrew Davies' 1994 BBC Adaptation of George Eliot's novel. 2022-2023