Annotation 1: At the top of the page, beneath the type-written page number ' -4/50- ', there is a hand-written note reading: 'Ladislaw first, then your good self, and I'll wind it up.'
Annotation 2: Within Ladislaw's type-written dialogue text, beginning 'Fellow citizens ... before time!', the words 'For those that don't know me, my name is William Ladislaw, proud to be one of you, proud to stand here before you today' are sectioned off and crossed out with a light squiggle.
Ref Code: A-22 Title: Annotation 22: Shooting Script. Episode 4. Page 50 (4/50) Date: 1993-02-16 Format: jpeg Source: D/061/A/043/A/06 Shooting Script Episode 4. From Papers of Andrew Davies, Screenwriter. Held at De Montfort University Special Collections, Leicester, UK