Annotation 1: A circle is hand drawn around the Type-written direction 'He gets up to go' to Ladislaw's speech 'Till this evening'.
Annotation 2: Beneath annotation 1, there is a hand-written note that reads 'How about this:'.
Annotation 3: To the right of Annotation 2 , another hand-written note in all capital letters: 'LADISLAW'. Beneath this, more hand-written notes, providing suggested lines of extra dialogue between Ladislaw and Lydgate. '(perhaps grasping LYDGATE'S arm)' is written directly below.
Annotation 4: Below Annotation 3, more hand-written text. 'You're a good friend, [Lydgate] But God, Lydgate, sometimes I wish I could walk out of that door and step, into a coach and never see Middlemarch again!' The name 'Lydgate' in square brackets is heavily crossed out.
Annotation 5: Beneath Annotation 4: 'LYDGATE But you can. (Blunt, challenging) Why don't you?'
Annotation 6: Beneath Annotation 6: 'LAD There's too much to hold me here. (he smiles) I'll see you this evening.'
Ref Code: A-21 Title: Annotation 21: Shooting Script. Episode 4. Page 27 (4/27) Date: 1993-02-16 Format: jpeg Source: D/061/A/043/A/06 Shooting Script Episode 4. From Papers of Andrew Davies, Screenwriter. Held at De Montfort University Special Collections, Leicester, UK