Annotation 1: At the top of the page, beneath the type- written page number "-4/10-", there is a hand-written note, in brackets, reading "I don't feel he'll speak to Mawmsey about men like Wrench!". There is an arrow starting from the word "about", pointing to the enclosed text in Annotation 2.
Annotation 2: Within the first type-written speech of the page beginning "The reason... you", the sentence beginning "If men... eh?" is enclosed in a circular shape.
Annotation 3: On the left-hand side of Annotation 2, there is a short line joining Annotation 4 and Annotation 2. Towards the left of it, there is a hand-written note: "Overdosing the King's lieges Mr Mawmsey - that's the worst law of treason, eh?", perhaps offered as replacement text.
Annotation 4: Towards the left of Mawmsey's type-written speech beginning "Treason... at all", there is a hand-written note reading "Overdosing?".
Annotation 5: Beneath Mawmsey's type-written speech, more hand-written text: "and can he say this to a lady passerby, or a customer emerging from his shop - or to ATKINS his assistant.". Below this, the word "MAWMSEY" in all capital letters and underlined. Beneath that, two sentences beneath one another: "Mrs Mawmsey is not a well woman. Mrs Mawmsey needs her strengthening medicine.".
Annotation 6: Across the width of the page, beneath Annotation 5, the last hand-written note: " --I just think if we have this scene - and it is rather nice- it needs a more of an ending.".
Ref Code: A-17. Title: Annotation 17: Shooting Script. Episode 4. Page 10 (4/10) Date: 1993-02-16. Format: jpeg. Source: D/061/A/043/A/06 Papers of Andrew Davies, Screenwriter, Shooting Script Episode 4. Held at De Montfort University Special Collections, Leicester, UK