Annotation 1: To the left of the title "MIDDLEMARCH" the hand-written note "4-9" with the word "Mawmsey" beneath it.
Annotation 2: Beneath Annotation 1, another handwritten note reads "4-16", and "missing scene." Beneath it. Beneath this, another note reads "1-24-5".
Annotation 3: Underneath Annotation 2, more handwritten numbers: "70", "71", "84", "86". Beneath this, the words "on the line?" are written, followed by the hand-written "88a". Finally, a hand-written note reading "all this is a bit too long".
Ref Code: A-16. Title: Annotation 16: Shooting Script. Episode 4. Page i (4/i) Date: 1993-02-16. Format: jpeg. Source: D/061/A/043/A/06 Papers of Andrew Davies, Screenwriter, Shooting Script Episode 4. Held at De Montfort University Special Collections, Leicester, UK