Annotation 1: To the right of the type-written shooting script beginning "They've been... intimate", there is a handwritten note: "I still think we might start with as D before - as if they've been talking a while - but I don't feel too strongly." A question mark is drawn to the right of Annotation 1, between it and the type-written speech of Ladislaw, beginning "I really... Rome.". The words 'as' 'they've' and 'don't' are all partially obscured by the ring binding.
Annotation 2: Within Dorothea's type-written speech beginning "It seems strange how much I said to you then.", the words "how much" crossed through. The handwritten words "many things" are written above the typed words "how much", indicating them as replacements
Annotation 3: There are two lines drawn from just below Annotation 1. The first points to just below the end of Dorothea's type-written speech beginning "it seems... then.". The second points to the beginning of Ladislaw's type-written speech beginning "I remember... all". "Remember them all" is also hand underlined.
Annotation 4: On the left-hand side of the page parallel to Dorothea's type-written speech beginning "Not all... be here", there is a handwritten note: "Chance of energy and humour here. Not too saintly", with a small arrow pointing from this annotation to Dorothea's speech. The words 'and' and 'Not' are partially obscured by the ring binding.
Annotation 5: In Dorothea's last type-written speech on bottom of the page, the sentences beginning "...the only thing... mention that again" are encircled. Also within this circle are the handwritten words: "how about cutting this? We know she suffers with C. Maybe she should try to hide it when Lad. comes."
Ref Code: A-09. Title: Annotation 9: Shooting Script. Episode 3. Page 47 (3/47) Date: 1993-02-16. Format: jpeg. Source: D/061/A/043/A/05 Papers of Andrew Davies, Screenwriter, Shooting Script Episode 3. Held at De Montfort University Special Collections, Leicester, UK