Annotation 1: On the left-hand side of this Episode 3 Cast and crew list page, numbers are written next to the type-written introductory notes. Starting to the left of the type-written "by GEORGE ELIOT", the numbers "47", "85", "94", "104", "105" are hand-written underneath each other. The hand-written words "we know this" are written beneath the number "105", and finally, the number "116" is written beneath these hand-written words.
Annotation 2: To the right-hand side of the page, beneath the type-written title "REVISED ISSUE 3 -- 16.02.93" there is a hand-written note: "Opening of 3 Ladislaw?", with the word "Ladislaw" double underlined.
Ref Code: A-07. Title: Annotation 7: Shooting Script. Episode 3. Cast list, Page i (3/i) Date: 1993-02-16. Format: jpeg. Source: D/061/A/043/A/05 Papers of Andrew Davies, Screenwriter, Shooting Script Episode 3. Held at De Montfort University Special Collections, Leicester, UK