Annotation 1: To the left of Brooke's type-written speech "To be sure ... a new editor ..." appears a tick (= check) mark aligned with the line beginning "him. An interesting".
Annotation 2: To the left of Dorothea's type-written speech "Uncle ... at all" the words "HOW ABOUT THIS?" are hand written in all-capital letters and enclosed in square brackets. An illegible word is hand written above the annotation and heavily crossed out. Connecting the annotation to the typewritten body text is a line that starts above the crossed-word and ends below and to the right of the word "perhaps" in Brooke's typewritten speech "To be sure ... a new editor ...". A downward pointing arrow underneath the "ABOUT" of Annotation 2 points to Annotation 3.
Annotation 3: To the left of Brooke's typewritten speech "Well ... uncommonly well" is hand written a new and shorter version of that speech: "Well, well -- I shall write to him. Young men with new ideas, you know -- I like them uncommonly well. Yes!" A downward pointing arrow underneath the word "uncommonly" in Annotation 3 points to Annotation 4.
Annotation 4: Underneath Brooke's type-written speech "Well ... uncommonly well" are hand written and enclosed in round brackets the words: "and if we end on his face -- we may infer that Brooke will invite him, and we can omit the letter-writing scene".
Annotation 5: Underneath the type-written bottom-of-page page number "-- 2/90 --" is drawn a horizontal rule across the full width of the page underneath which is hand written in all-capitals: "AND I AM SURE IT'S BEST TO END EP 2 ON ROS + LYD AND START EP 3 ON LAD BEING WELCOMED BY BROOKE."
Ref Code: A-05. Title: Annotation 5: Shooting Script. Episode 2. Scene 54 (2/54), Page 90 (2/90). Date: 1993-02-16. Format: jpeg. Source: D/061/A/043/A/04 Papers of Andrew Davies, Screenwriter, Schooting Script Episode 2. Held at De Montfort University Special Collections, Leicester, UK