Annotation 1: Annotation 1: At the top of the page, beneath the type-written page number "-2/43-" is a long line across the width of the page. Beneath this line, in all capital letters, is handwritten "ONLY 3 PAGES ON EPISODE 2".
Annotation 2: Under Annotation 1, there is another handwritten note, "But NB as we discussed, we must have a bad horse scene to clinch the horse buying plot." There is another long line spanning the width of the page under this note.
Annotation 3: A hand-drawn ellipse around Chichely and Wrench's type-written speech beginning "D'you know... an imposter", stretching across to the left of the text where there is empty space. The word "Cut" is written inside this circle on the left.
Ref Code: A-02. Title: Annotation 2: Shooting Script. Episode 2. Scene 27 (2/27), Page 43 (2/43). Date: 1993-02-16. Format: jpeg. Source: D/061/A/043/A/04 Papers of Andrew Davies, Screenwriter, Schooting Script Episode 2. Held at De Montfort University Special Collections, Leicester, UK